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Famous Nail Makeovers by Olympians in London

October 17, 2012

Olympians are known to start fashion trends in the last several decades. This London Olympics too witnessed some trend setting extravaganzas.  As the Olympic athletes exposed their nail arts, it was clear that medals were not the only bright colors being worn at the London 2012 games. Athletes sparked a trend of showing their competitive spirit through flag-decorated nails. At the Olympics, many spectators showed their support for their respective countries by painting the country flags on their faces and other body parts. However, the trend of painting the nails was seen more prominently this time.

Manicure VancouverFemale Olympians such as Rebecca Adlington, Serena Williams, and Allison Schmitt seem to be winning over girls and ladies everywhere as they craved to have patriotic nails. As the cameras panned across the stadiums, beautiful girls in the audiences didn’t miss their chances to show off their nail arts. It seemed that Manicure Vancouver artists had created masterpieces on the fingernails of these damsels. The tennis courts, the aquatic center, and the archery courts appeared to be the most popular places where finely painted nails could be seen.

Nail Art: The New Trend

It has been rumored that the nail art trend was started by British swimmer Rebecca Adlington.  Just a few days after the British swimmer was seen with the nail art, Sophy Robson, who runs one of London’s top nail salons started here decorative art inside the Olympic Village. When Sophy was interviewed on her instant success during the London Olympics, she said that even competitors were asking for tailor-made nails that were delicately manicured with their country’s flag. Another swimmer, Missy Franklin, released a picture of her patriotic manicure that elaborately displayed a solid red, white, and blue nails and flag-accented thumbs and ring fingers. There were thousands of comments that floated on social networking websites. In fact, even renowned designers and makeover artists started to pour in their advices. Skyy Hadley, the owner of As U Wish Nail Spa in Hoboken, New Jersey, gave her suggestion on emulating Missy Franklin designs. According to her, if any girl wanted to copy Missy Franklin’s look, would
have to choose a pure white polish and paint one or two nails on each hand so the flags stand out.

The nail makeover can be duplicated in the following easy steps. First, apply two coats of the white polish. Second, make red vertical stripes using a small design brush. Third, apply a thicker line across the tip of the nail similar to a French manicure. Fourth, Dip a toothpick into the white polish and paint small stars or dots on the blue area. Finally, you need to finish with a top coat.

Like these, there are several nail makeover suggestions that you will get on the internet. You can also check out some Manicure Vancouver services for great designs that will suit your style. Nail art may not cost you much, so you can easily take it up as your hobby. If you have the right talent, you too can become a nail stylist and earn a quick buck.

From → Beauty, Health

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